Worship—Grow—Serve: How is your balance and rhythm as a disciple of Christ? Invite Culture “No Perfect People Allowed”

Did you invite someone to worship, growth group, or a service opportunity?

5×5 Nuggets (5 NT chapters each week; 5 minutes per day)

Were there any insights gained that you would like to share with the group? Week of December 8, 2019 Revelation 8-12
Week of December 15, 2019 Revelation 13-17
Week of December 22, 2019 Revelation 18-22


1. What is one prayer you were taught to memorize?
2. What was your first paid job? How long or hard did you work at it? What did you do with your money?

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18


  1. Paul has twice prayer for these people (1:11-12; 2:16-17). How does he want them to pray for him and his companions? How would the encouragements in verses 3-5 help them in their trials?
  2. How might a misunderstanding of Paul’s earlier teaching (1 Thess 5:1-3) have led to the problem of idleness? Why would Paul see that as a serious problem then (1 Thess 4:11-12) and now (3:6)? What model does Paul leave fro the others to follow (vv. 7-13)? What does this have to do with taking responsibility?
  3. Why does Paul call attention to his handwriting (v.17)? How else is the close of the letter similar to its beginning? Why do you think Paul emphasizes grace and peace? What does it say about God’s will?


  1. On a scale of 1 (high anxiety) to 10 (blissfully peaceful), where would you rate your sense of God’s peace now? Where in particular do you need group prayer and support?
  2. How are God’s love and Christ’s perseverance needed in your life now?
  3. What have you found helpful in encouraging you to pray for missionaries? For

    whom do you regularly pray? What types of pressures may he or she face in that

    part of the world?

  4. Are you idle, a busybody, a worrywart or a workaholic? What is God’s message to

    you in 2 Thessalonians?