5×5 readings for this week: Acts 28, Hebrews 1-4

Warm-up: What was one of the most restful vacations you have ever had? 

Read:  Hebrews 4:1-16


1. What conclusion does the author draw from his story of the people of Israel? How is it that the promise of entering his rest still stands?
2. What parallels does the author make between the Israelites in the desert (3:7-19) and Christians in the first-century world (4:1-13)? What was the message given each group (Exodus 3:17; Numbers 14:7-9; Hebrews 4:2)? How did each community respond? With what results? Why was the message of no value to some?
3. What is the “rest” that is promised to God’s people? How do verses 3-10 demonstrate that the rest referred to in the Old Testament is not just the Promised Land? How do these verses also show, as stated in verse 9, that access to that rest is still open?
4. How is the Word of God living and active? How is it like a two-edged sword? How does it penetrate to the depths of one’s being? How does it judge? What is its relationship to the promised rest?


1. How do you feel about the heavenly rest promised to God’s faithful people? How would you explain this to someone who is not a Christian?
2. What evidence do you have that the Word of God is living and active today? How have you seen it work in your own life? How has it penetrated your heart like a two-edged sword?

5×5 readings for next week: Hebrews 5-9