Believers can celebrate God’s restoring forgiveness.


  • What do you enjoy about witnessing a reunion?
  • Why should people celebrate reconciliation between people who have been at oddswith each other?

READ Luke 15:20-24

  • How does the attitude of the younger son portray the way we are to approach God?
  • What attitudes are seen in the younger son that should be demonstrated by us as well?
  • What characteristics and actions are seen in the father that mirror how God responds when a person comes to Him in repentance?

Like the father in the parable, God extends open-armed forgiveness when we turn to Him in repentance.

READ Luke 15:25-30

  • What are some things believers might give up or lose as new people become followers of Christ?
  • How might the attitude of the older son be expressed by believers today?
  • Why might a believer question the repentance of some people and the grace God extends them?
  • How does jealousy steal our joy?
  • How can we encourage each other away from jealousy and toward embracing rejoicing?

READ Luke 15:31-32

  • How was the father helping the older brother move from jealousy to celebration through the words he used?
  • What is the value of celebrating the salvation of a new believer to that new believer?
  • To the maturing believer?


  • How has our discussion today influence your attitude toward reaching out to a particular person with the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus?