Does the Christmas season fulfill your expectations or leave you wanting?

Read Luke 2:25-27

  • How did the anticipation of seeing the Messiah frame thenpurpose of Simeon’s life?

The Holy Spirit had told Simeon he would live to see the Messiah. yet we might wonder how simeon felt as he waited.

  • What range of emotions do we experience when we are waiting for something important to happen?

By following the Holy Spirit, Simeon was in the right place at the
right time for him to meet the infant.

  • How does trusting in God’s promises help a person endure the daily grind of life and time?

God’s promises brought purpose to Simeon’s life, and He can bring the same purpose to our lives today.

Read Luke 2:28-35
2:29-32 First Prophecy of Salvation.
By beginning his praise with “now,” Simeon acknowledged the importance of the moment. God had fulfilled His promise to send the Messiah and had fulfilled His promise to let Simeon see the Messiah. The word “Master” describes a sovereign who had absolute control and authority over a “servant” or slave. Simeon expressed that God could now dismiss His servant in peace. He could die a happy man because God’s promises had been fulfilled in his lifetime. He further declared that his eyes had seen God’s “salvation.” Zechariah had noted that Go raised up a “horn of salvation” (1:69) and Simeon also sensed that God had sent a Savior into the world, whom he held in his arms.

  • What does Simeon’s first prophesy teach us about Jesus’ role in coming to earth?
  • How did you come to recognize that Jesus is the promised Messiah who brings salvation? What factors did the Holy Spirit use to help lead you to Him?

2:33-35 Second Prophesy.

  • What does Simeon’s second prophesy, spoken over Mary and Joseph, teach us?
  • How does Christ divide and unite people at the same time?

Simeon’s prophecy when he met Jesus reminds us of the great news that the gospel is for all people—Jews and Gentiles alike.

Read Luke 2:36-38

  • Name the details Luke provided about Anna in these verses.
  • How does the description of Anna make her a credible witness?
  • What qualifies people to be credible witnesses for Jesus?

Like Simeon, Anna was someone who waited well—depending on God’s promises as the foundation for her life. When we see a newborn baby, we often comment on how cute (precious, handsome, wonderful) the baby is. Anna had a different kind of response when she met the baby Jesus.

  • How did Anna respond to meeting the Messiah?
  • How was Anna’s response like Simeon’s response?
  • How is Anna’s response to the Messiah a model for us today?


  • Why should people share the message of Jesus Christ? What factors hinder simeon from sharing that message?
  • How can we encourage one another toward being more bold in sharing the message of Jesus Christ?
  • How does faith in Jesus Christ bring purpose to your life?
  • How did your purpose in life change after you encountered Christ?
  • Who do you know that may feel excluded or outside the possibility of knowing Jesus?
  • What action can you take to help them feel welcomed?